Our bad--sorry if this makes your head hurt.
A beautiful, little park
Not really sure what to say at this point.
Wonder where that goes?
Mmmmm. It may be ran over and old and stuff-but still, that thing once held a grand ol' Krystal burger. We now live in the mecca of Krystal & Waffle House. Word is that a Waffle House museum is opening in the first ever Waffle House--maybe they will let us into that one.
Just turn your head sideways and look.
Yeah, we live here.
Mom and I (Lauren) took a trip to the John Tanner State Park, about six miles outside of Carrollton. We went in a paddle boat, swam, and walked around the lake. This sideways picture - sorry about that, if anybody knows how to post pics the right way I would appreciate some pointers - is a view from the trail. The trees are a bit taller than I am used to, for some reason the mesquites of West Texas do not grow this tall.
This bridge was on a side trail - it is made from
shells and concrete. I wish the detail was better.
Well, almost through our second week in Georgia-land. Lovin' the southern cooking. Lovin' the trees and hills. Lovin' the people. We hope all is well with you and yours. If you are reading this, it is most probably because you are someone close to our hearts. Know that you are in our thoughts.
--L & be
Open up Windows Explorer or My Computer to look at your files. Go to the file where your pictures are stored, then on the tool bar where it says search, folders and there is an icon showing files, click on the icon showing files and change the view to filmstrip. On that view, just below the picture you have a forward and back button and 2 others with a mountain and an arrow. Those 2 buttons will turn your picture, or you can always stop turning your camera sideways. I had to add in that last part. Hope things are going well, later.
You guys are making me so-o-o jealous. I loved living in GA (can't really think of any place I've ever lived that I didn't enjoy!), and it's really nice seeing all the pretty pics. Sounds like you are having lots of fun and getting used to your new home. Miss you! km
thanks, chuck. 'preciate you.
kay-that's what we are out to do--make the world jealous. okay, maybe not. we do think of you often, especially when we see a sign for newnan!
Hey Guys,
A church on nearly every corner wouldn't be a bad thing.
Thanks for keeping us up with all the news.
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